San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools Nancy Magee, Sequoia Union High School Trustee Carrie DuBois, and representatives from Acknowledge Alliance led a presentation on meeting the social-emotional needs of all students in San Mateo County at the 2019 California School Boards Association conference.  

"I've been in San Mateo for nearly ten years," shared Superintendent Magee in an EdSource podcast. "When I arrived at the San Mateo County Office of Education, there was not any coordination of school-based mental health services. Each school was doing its own thing, people were following different protocols, and one thing we recognized was that in order to really make a difference, we had to work in a more coordinated way."

The presentation highlighted the collaborative and powerful work going on in the county and was well received by conference attendees. Listen to the full podcast (the story on San Mateo County's schools begins at five minutes).