After school tutor Carolina Avina knows a few hours after school can change a student’s life. She remembers feeling crushed when a Hoover Community School kindergartener told her he didn’t want to be there when the school year began.

“He would just move around. He didn’t want to do anything. I could see he had trouble reading,” Avina said. “It made me sad. But he’s changed a lot. If you look at him now, you see that he listens. He even comes to me and tells me he wants to read to me.”

Like Avina’s student, hundreds of Hoover students are seeing their school performance improve thanks to a relatively new after school tutoring partnership between Hoover Community School and the Boys & Girls Club of the Peninsula. 

Educators from both institutions share school space and resources to make sure students improve their grades, and in some cases their behavior, by the end of the school year, educators involved in the project said. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed.

The San Mateo County Office of Education awarded the program the Excellence in Education and Equity Award in May for making a difference in students’ lives. 


Read the full article in Redwood City School District's latest issue of RCSD Connections.