Work Developed by the Coalition
Through a collaborative process, the Coalition produced The Big Five, a set of emergency protocols adopted by all San Mateo County school districts and law enforcement agencies; a Student Threat Assessment Protocol, which provides schools with an evidence-based process and is intended to provide early intervention and support to students who may pose a threat to themselves or others; Suicide Prevention Toolkit; the Naloxone for Schools Program; and other resources.
Click on the links below to explore each area of the Coalition's work.
About the Coalition
2023-24 Coalition Members
Representative | Position/Title | Agency/District |
Ed Barberini | Chief of Police | City of San Mateo Police Department |
Dorene Basuino | Associate Superintendent, Human Resources & Student Services | Jefferson Union High School District |
Tony Blackman | Battalion Chief | San Mateo Consolidated Fire |
Lisa Cho | County Deputy Attorney | San Mateo County Attorney's Office |
Shirley Chu | Clinical Services Manager | San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services |
Jehan Clark | Deputy Chief Probation Officer | San Mateo County Probation Office |
Christina Corpus | Sheriff | San Mateo County Sheriff |
Noelia Corzo | Supervisor | San Mateo County Board of Supervisors |
Claire Cunningham | Agency Director | San Mateo County Human Services Agency |
Jarrett Dooley | Director, Student Services | Sequoia Union High School District |
Christina Falla | Legislative Aide | Office of Supervisor Noelia Corzo |
John Fong | Director | San Mateo County Children and Family Services |
Matthew Fox | Captain | San Mateo County Sheriff's Office |
Kristen Gracia | Superintendent, Menlo Park City School District | San Mateo County Superintendents Association |
Nadia Hahn | Deputy District Attorney | San Mateo County District Attorney's Office |
Mason Henricks | Coordinator, School Safety and Risk Prevention | San Mateo County Office of Education |
Tom Ledda | Manager, Workers Compensation and Loss Control | San Mateo County Schools Insurance Group |
Patricia Love | Executive Director, Strategy and Communications | San Mateo County Office of Education |
Nancy Magee | County Superintendent of Schools | San Mateo County Office of Education |
Mary McGrath | Executive Director, Safe and Supportive Schools | San Mateo County Office of Education |
Ryan Monaghan | Assistant Sheriff | San Mateo County Sheriff's Office |
Ziomara Ochoa | Deputy Director | San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services |
Brian Philip | Captain | San Mateo County Sheriff's Office |
Don Scatena | Director, Student Services | San Mateo Union High School District |
Kristen Shouse | Associate Superintendent, Educational Services | San Mateo County Office of Education |
Brian Tupper | Director and Chief of Public Safety | San Mateo County Community College District |
Linda Wolin | Legislative Aide | Board of Supervisor Dave Pine |
How the Coalition Was Created
San Mateo County’s collaborative work on school safety began in April 2013, when former Congresswoman Jackie Speier, former County Supervisors Don Horsley and Adrienne Tissier, Sheriff Greg Munks, retired Superintendent Anne Campbell, and retired Assemblymember Gene Mullin sponsored a summit, "Beyond Newtown: How to Ensure Safe Schools and Communities." The Coalition for Safe Schools and Communities was created as a result of that summit.
The following resources include information presented at the Summit.