Safe Schools are Critical to Student Success

The Student Threat Assessment Protocol addresses youth who may pose a serious threat to promote safe school environments. The protocol does not predict future violence nor is it a foolproof method of assessing an individual’s or group’s risk of harm to others. It is a guide designed to assist in investigating potential danger. 

What is the Student Threat Assessment Protocol?

The Student Threat Assessment Protocol has two main goals:

  • Respond immediately and appropriately to address youth who may pose a serious threat
  • Reduce the number of expulsions used to resolve safety concerns in San Mateo County schools

In addition, the Student Threat Assessment Protocol has three objectives:

  • Identify and assess threats of potentially harmful behavior and determine the response needed to address them
  • Provide resources to manage situations with students who may pose a threat to other students, staff, and the community
  • Maintain a safe environment for students, teachers, and parents to foster learning free of distractions caused by fear

Student Threat Assessment Team

Each school site should form a Level One Student Threat Assessment Team, which is a multidisciplinary team consisting of an administrator, a school counselor, and a School Resource Officer that supports students who may pose as a threat to themselves or others.

Bringing in County-Level Support

If district resources are not sufficient to manage the threat, the school-based team asks the Level Two Assessment Team for support. The Level Two team includes multiple agencies to bring a variety of resources together to address the threat.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Mason Henricks or Ben Gonzales at the San Mateo County Office of Education.

Responding to Student Threats

If there is IMMINENT DANGER to others, call law enforcement and the district office contact. Follow The Big Five immediate response guidelines as appropriate.

The following is intended for district use:

Completing the Student Threat Assessment

Please download and complete the following interviews prior to completing a Level 1 Assessment. You will be asked to upload them into the Level 1 Assessment Form. These interviews help guide your assessment. If you cannot obtain an interview, please proceed with the assessment.

If a victim(s) or intended victim(s) needs to be notified, please also use the Notification to Protect form. Once you have completed the interview and notification forms above, complete the Level One Assessment form linked below:

View a watermarked PDF of the Level One Student Threat Assessment Form if you wish to preview the above form before initiating it. Remember to use the button above to complete all Level One assessments.

To submit a three-month, six-month, or annual update on a case, please submit a case update below:

Level One Assesssment

Review this PowerPoint for steps to submit a Level One Threat Assessment and case updates.

Mason Henricks

Coordinator, School Safety and Risk Prevention


Phone: (650) 802-5434

Dr. Ben Gonzales

Executive Director, Safe and Supportive Schools


Phone: (650) 802-5648