The San Mateo County Coalition for Safe Schools and Communities launched United for Youth in partnership with the San Mateo County Office of Education and San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, with participating partners from more than 20 public and community-based organizations, as well as input from youth, parents, and community groups. The outcome of this project will be a countywide Plan of Action to better meet the social-emotional and behavioral health needs of our youth.
To date, United for Youth has accomplished the following:
- Convened a Steering Committee that meets monthly to guide the work of the larger collaborative process.
- Conducted a data landscape analysis to surface priority needs and populations.
- Analyzed a variety of funding and policy initiatives, with a focus on new and emerging opportunities.
- Reviewed and analyzed relevant recommendations from more than 30 local collaboratives, needs assessments, and reports.
- Recruited 12 to 15 members and local co-chairs for four work groups, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and Transition Aged Youth.
- Launched the Elementary School and High School work groups which met five times in Fall 2023.
- Reached out to gather input from youth and parent groups through a series of listening sessions.
- Crafted a template for a Plan of Action that reflects all of these efforts.
In January, two additional work groups will launch to address the needs of Middle School and Transition Aged Youth. The Plan of Action will be completed by May.
Dr. Jei Africa
Director, San Mateo County Behavioral Health BHRS