About the San Mateo County Office of Education

The San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE) supports local school districts in San Mateo County by providing services that can be done more efficiently and economically at the county level. These include implementing new standards, staff development and training programs, and instructional procedures; designing business and personnel systems; and performing many other services to meet the changing needs of local school districts. The County Office also provides a wide range of instructional programs, including special and career and technical education, and instruction in juvenile detention facilities.

Budget and LCAP

If you would like to access SMCOE's approved budget or Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) from an earlier year, please contact (650) 802-5511.

Central Office Location and Calendar

The Central Office is located at 101 Twin Dolphin Drive, Redwood City, CA  94065 and is open Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except for holidays. 

Environmental Outdoor Education

The San Mateo County Office of Education conducts an award-winning Outdoor Education program in cooperation with local schools and the San Francisco YMCA Camp at Jones Gulch, nestled in the redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains in La Honda, California.

School Site Calendars

The San Mateo County Office of Education provides direct instruction through its Court and Community Schools Program, Early Childhood Education and Early Start programs, K-12 Special Education Services, and Related Services.

Mission, Vision, and Goals

The San Mateo County Office of Education began its strategic planning process in 2016, when it developed its current mission and vision of Excellence and Equity in Education. In 2019, it updated its strategic plan to include five core practices and four goals to achieve its mission and vision.


  • Inspiring students
  • Investing in teachers
  • Invigorating leaders
  • Involving communities


  • Excellence and Equity in Education
  • Every Student | Every Teacher | Every School

Equity Statement

The San Mateo County Office of Education welcomes and embraces individuals from all backgrounds, races, ethnicities, disabilities, gender identities, sexual orientations, immigration statuses, and religions. At the San Mateo County Office of Education, equity means providing every learner aged 0-22 with the education and support needed to thrive in school, career, and life, and every staff member with opportunities to grow and further deepen their impact.

To achieve equity, The San Mateo County Office of Education commits to:

  • Disrupt inequitable practices and replace them with equity-driven, transparent systems
  • Improve outcomes for historically and currently underserved student groups, honoring their strengths and talents
  • Continue to educate ourselves so we are better able to confront and dismantle systemic inequities
  • Center voices of those who have been historically marginalized and underserved

Core Practices

  • Growth Mindset: believing that everyone can learn, grow, and move the organization forward
  • Cultural Humility: holding a humble and respectful attitude toward individuals of other cultures that pushes one to challenge their own cultural biases and approach learning about other cultures as a lifelong goal and process
  • Trauma-Informed: adopting principles and practices that promote safety, empowerment, healing and shared responsibility for all
  • Sustainability: ensuring SMCOE and schools countywide meet the needs of present and future students through practices that are environmentally, socially, and economically responsible
  • Accountability: taking personal responsibility to lean in, make goals, measure progress, and serve as both a leader and a positive team member

Functions of the County Office

Decorative item with the text, "County Offices of Education at a Glance"



     County Offices of Education: At a Glance (flipbook) 
     County Offices of Education: At a Glance (downloadable video)


Support and Monitor Local Education Agencies

The San Mateo County Office of Education ensures that school districts meet state and local requirements. It is responsible for reviewing, advising, and approving school districts’ budgets, interim reports, year-end financial statements, and audit reports. It approves local control accountability plans (LCAPs); provides differentiated assistance to districts who qualify; monitors facilities, textbooks, and instructional materials; and coordinates the Tinsley Voluntary Transfer Program.

Instruct Students

The San Mateo County Office of Education provides direct student instruction to special populations of students who need the unique support provided by our Special Education, Court and Community schools, and Youth Services. It runs a highly successful Outdoor Education program in partnership with the YMCA at Camp Jones Gulch, and serves the educational needs of students in foster care.

Offer Instructional and Technical Support

The San Mateo County Office of Education provides instructional support to local education agencies in curriculum and instruction, assessment, instructional technology, program improvement, and preschool and child care quality improvement. The County Office also provides technical assistance to support student performance and accountability, including LCAP development and differentiated assistance.

Develop the Education Workforce

The San Mateo County Office of Education is committed to building a supportive environment that attracts, develops, and retains a diverse workforce in educational institutions across the county. The County Office provides teacher recruitment, induction, administrator credentialing, and teacher and administrator retention support and programs.

Lead High-Impact County-Wide Initiatives

The San Mateo County Office serves as an advocate for youth and education, raises public awareness of educational issues, and initiates innovative, high-impact programs to benefit San Mateo County students, including The Big Lift, the Coalition for Safe Schools and Communities, Environmental Literacy, Career and Technical Education, Zap the Gap, Teach San Mateo, and Visual and Performing Arts.

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