Divisions and Departments
The San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE) achieves its mission, vision, and goals through the work of three divisions: Office of the Superintendent, Business Services, and Educational Services. View the County Office of Education's Organizational Chart.
Office of the Superintendent
The Office of the Superintendent includes Human Resources/Teacher and Administrator Development, Strategy and Communications, and board support. It also houses the Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Initiative and leads the county in equity, social justice, and inclusion work. Learn more about programs within the Office of the Superintendent:
Business Services Division
The Business Services Division provides a wide range of business services that are either required by law or that have been developed to assist districts with fiscal management. The division oversees a combined $3.3 billion in revenue and expenditures annually, acting as an intermediary between state, federal, and local agencies. Specifically, the division provides technical, advisory, and management support services to San Mateo County's twenty-three K-12 school districts as well as other federal, state, and county agencies in matters relating to financial accounting and budgeting, retirement reporting, payroll services, administrative systems (software), attendance reporting, Local Control Funding Formula calculations, review of district audit reports, tax apportionments, and vendor payment audits.
Human Resources
The Human Resources department works with SMCOE staff to build a supportive work environment that attracts, develops, and retains a diverse workforce. It also leads the county's teacher residency program.
Educational Services Division
The Educational Services Division (ESD) provides leadership and resources to San Mateo County school districts and schools in the areas of curriculum and instruction, assessment and accountability, instructional technology, school/district improvement, principal support, teacher training, preschool and child care quality improvement, professional development and planning, and outdoor education. Major initiatives include The Big Lift, Civics, Environmental Literacy, Systems of Support, and STEAM education. In addition, ESD facilitates a variety of educational groups, including the Council for Instructional Improvement (CII), the Child Care Partnership Council, and the English Learners Advisory Committee, that meets regularly to receive information, share ideas, and plan future initiatives.
The Educational Services Division is also responsible for all direct student service programs operated by the County Office of Education, including Special Education, Court and Community Schools, Safe and Supportive Schools, and Career and Technical Education (CTE). The division also coordinates programs for youth in foster care as well as the work of the Coalition for Safe and Supportive Schools. Learn more about programs within the Educational Services Division:
- Anne Campbell Center for Students and Families (includes Early Childhood Education Program, Early Start Program, and Related Services)
- Center for Access and Engagement
- Center for Learning Analytics
- County Truancy Program
- Court Schools
- Community Schools
- CTE, College, and Career Readiness
- Curriculum and Instruction
- District and School Improvement
- Early Learning
- Grants, Partnerships, and Operations