What better way to celebrate National Poetry Month and Earth Day than with haiku poetry! The San Mateo County Office of Education's (SMCOE's) Environmental Literacy and Sustainability team invited all students to write a haiku this week that expresses what nature means to them during this COVID-19 crisis and/or their thoughts on the theme of Climate Action. Haiku is a form of poetry, started in Japan, which uses 17 syllables arranged in three lines in a specific order: first line, 5 syllables; second line, 7 syllables; third line, 5 syllables. Enjoy some haikus written by staff at SMCOE, and write some of your own!


SMCOE Website Resources

Annual Earth Awareness Days. This page provides an annual calendar of environmental and social justice awareness days, resources for Earth Day (week/month), and other global events such as Earth Hour and Earth Overshoot Day.