An important role of the county superintendent of schools is to keep current on how the public schools in the county are doing. To keep her finger on the pulse of our local school districts, San Mateo County Superintendent Magee talks to students at Sunset RidgeSuperintendent of Schools Nancy Magee enjoys visiting classrooms across the county as often as she’s able. She loves to engage with students, talk with teachers, and witness great teaching and learning firsthand.

On Read Across America Day, for example, she read to third graders at Sunset Ridge Elementary School in the Pacifica School District. As a former English teacher, she loved the students’ enthusiasm for the stories and their insightful questions. She also had the recent opportunity to visit San Mateo-Foster City School District schools and observe firsthand how skilled and passionate educators have ignited a literacy explosion in the district. The students in the classes she visited were all working hard on their reading and writing skills and excited to share them with her.

Superintendent Magee visits San Mateo High SchoolOver the past month, Superintendent Magee also visited various schools in the San Mateo Union High School District. She was in awe of the school spirit displayed along every corridor of San Mateo High School as she made her way to the biotech lab, where she learned how students were identifying DNA and cloning plants! In the classrooms and campus of the district’s Bridge Program, Superintendent Magee saw how passionate and caring teachers are effectively serving students who are recently arrived newcomers. She was impressed with the level of ownership and pride students demonstrated in both their learning and their campus. 

San Mateo County’s public schools are one of the best parts of our county. After exploring and learning about many exceptional programs, Superintendent Magee encourages everyone to get to know and share their support for our local schools.