Human Resource/Finance Enterprise Resource Planning System
Project Introduction
The San Mateo County Office of Education (hereinafter “SMCOE”) is issuing a Request for Information (“RFI”) to gather current market information for an Enterprise Resource Planning (hereinafter “ERP”) software system for Enterprise Human Resources and Finance (including Payroll) software and related services. This RFI also requests information on planning the implementation of an “ERP” system along with integration both within the ERP and with existing systems. SMCOE seeks to review a comprehensive, fully integrated, public-sector ERP and supporting services, in an effort to streamline business processes, standardize data collection and reporting, and support decision-making that leads to improvements in operational effectiveness and student achievement.
SMCOE Background
The San Mateo County Office of Education supports 23 District ERP instances and has a student population of over 89,000. SMCOE processes payroll for all School Districts in San Mateo County. It is also responsible for reporting payroll retirement activity to the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) and the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) for Local Education Agencies (LEA’s) county-wide. SMCOE processes and prints all accounts payable warrants for the school districts. SMCOE serves as the liaison between the San Mateo County Controller’s Office, the San Mateo County Treasurer’s Office, the San Mateo Assessor’s Office and the California Department of Education.
Contact Information
All communications concerning this RFI should be submitted by email to Lorrie Owens, Chief Technology Officer, Integrated Technology Services, Only written questions submitted via email will be accepted. No response other than written addenda distributed by the Business Office will be binding upon SMCOE and shall become part of your informational package. For general questions, contact Kevin Bultema, Deputy Superintendent, Business Services, No other department or staff member should be contacted regarding this RFI.
Questions received prior to June 16, 2023 deadline
Item # | Required Specification | Section | Question | SMCOE Responses |
6.2 Q5 | Electronic Video Demonstration | Submission of RFI Response | Is MP4 an acceptable filing format and can it be submitted as a separate file with the PDF upload? | Yes |
10 Q17 | Ability to import pertinent historical information | Requirements of the System | Specify which module and what is considered pertinent information. | 3 prior years of payroll data, accounts payable, financial reports by SACS elements. Data should be in CVS format. |
10 Q70 | Ability to upload purchasing card data directly from the financial institution program | Accounts Payable/ Encumbrances/Expenditures | Confirm requirement is to integrate with a 3rd party vendor or provide specifications. | Provide feature option. Not a requirement for 3rd party integration |
10 Q71 | Uploaded procurement card data to the general ledger should include all transactional data (vendor name, amount, date, etc.) | Accounts Payable/ Encumbrances/Expenditures | Confirm requirement is to integrate with a 3rd party vendor or provide specifications. | Provide feature option. Not a requirement for 3rd party integration |
10 Q162 | Ability to designate pertinent personnel information to be updated immediately. | Payroll System | Confirm request is to designate which fields update payroll. | Employee management and position control data. |
10 Q199 | Calculated 401(k) employer portion for participating PERS employees based pay only | Voluntary/Involuntary Deductions | Provide which retirement systems are included in PERS | Disregard Question. This is not applicable for SMCOE. |
10 Q342 | Demonstrate on integrated tracking system | Required Leave/Extended Disability Leave | Confirm which module and what data elements are included (position control, employee leave). | Employee leave accounting. |
10 Q343 | The ability to format leave records in school system calendar format? | Required Leave/Extended Disability Leave | Define School system calendar format and file type. | CSV |
10 Q352 | Employee self-service onboarding | Human Resources | Specify which features or functionality are required for onboarding in employee self-serivce? Does this include pre-employment, new employees, or existing employees? | New employees and existing employees only. Functionality is to collect data for input into employee management and position control. Functionality to access and complete required employee forms such as W-9, W-4, etc. |