The San Mateo County Office of Education supports teachers and administrators in obtaining and clearing their credentials through its Teacher Induction, Teacher Residency, Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC), Clear Administrative Services (CASC), and Preliminary Career and Technical Education (CTE) Teaching Credential (through the Orange County Department of Education) programs.

SMCOE Educator Preparation Programs Vision Statement

The San Mateo County Office of Education’s Educator Preparation Programs align with the mission to support excellence and equity in every school and every classroom every day. The programs are designed to introduce, develop and deepen individual educator’s understanding of the diverse learning profiles of students across ages and classroom settings and to build educators’ capacity and abilities to meet those needs individually and collectively through highly effective systems. The Educator Preparation Programs commit to the current research on content, pedagogy, trauma-informed practices, responsive schooling and equity.  A just and equitable society is built on the idea that everyone has access to a quality education that fully engages students in relevant curriculum that reflects their lives and histories. San Mateo County schools and districts are compelled to adapt and rebuild our education system to create equitable and inclusive communities for all students. The Educator Preparation Programs will provide a consistent, thoughtful mentor-based support for the beginning teacher and aspiring new administrator, to support them in reflecting on their work and learning directed towards professional standards for each program. Each program will adhere to the professional standards for each credential level through coursework, reflection and application of knowledge. The programs provide educators the opportunity to grow from beginning teacher to experienced administrator and positively impact the learning of students in San Mateo County.



SMCOE Teacher Residency at Alder Graduate School of Education

SMCOE, in partnership with the Alder Graduate School of Education, is offering a Teacher Residency Program with an aim toward furthering our focus on equity and our priority of diversifying the educational workplace in our county.

Teacher Induction Program

The Teacher Induction Program is an innovative program that meets the state of California's requirements for clearing a preliminary teaching credential and improves teacher efficacy and retention.

Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program

The Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) Program is a one-year accelerated program designed for full-time educators who are looking to earn an administrative credential to either deepen their current work or open up additional career opportunities in site- or district-based administration.

Clear Administrative Services Program

The Clear Administrative Services (CASC) Program is an accredited two-year coaching-based program that clears educators' preliminary administrative services.

Preliminary Career and Technical Education (CTE) Teaching Credential

The Preliminary CTE Teaching Credential integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge. This credential is valid for three years and authorizes the holder to teach in the subject, also known as industry sector, listed on the credential in grades twelve and below and in classes organized primarily for adults, in career technical, trade or vocational courses. This program is offered through the Orange County Department of Education


Winnie Hardie

Executive Director, Teacher and Administrator Development (TAD)


Phone: (650) 802-5341