Supporting Immigrants in San Mateo County
All students deserve a high-quality education. To ensure that students and families who are immigrants receive the resources they need to thrive, the San Mateo County Office of Education has curated critical information on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) assistance, public charge, and resources in San Mateo County.
For additional information on San Mateo County's community-based organizations and other services available for immigrants, please refer to the Immigrants' Gateway to Resources Booklet. The booklet is available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Assistance
On Thursday, June 17, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to allow those receiving Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) assistance to continue working and receive protection from deportation. The San Mateo County Office of Education celebrates this decision, which aligns with our commitment to supporting these students, their families, and the schools and districts that serve them.
The Supreme Court's decision still allows for the current administration to end the program if a more detailed justification is provided. The threat of a future decision to again rescind the DACA program continues to generate fear and confusion among many San Mateo County students and their families. Find updated resources below about the DACA program.
Does Public Charge Affect You?/¿Le afecta la carga pública?
Public charge is a rule that immigration can use to deny an application for permanent residence (“Green card”) or certain other visas if the applicant is likely to depend on certain government programs if approved. / Carga Pública es una regla que Inmigración puede utilizar para negar una solicitud de residencia permanente ("tarjeta verde") u otras ciertas visas, si es probable que el solicitante dependa de ciertos programas del gobierno de ser aprobada la solicitud.