Students are enrolled in middle school or high school courses and earn credits to support their educational goals. Individual student learning plans are developed upon enrollment, to assist students in achieving their identified educational goal which may include returning to a district school, earning a high school diploma, or obtaining a High School Equivalency (HSE) or California High School Proficiency (CHSPE) certificate.
In all court schools, student attendance will be monitored. Students will also participate in pre and post testing in the areas of math and language arts. Credits earned and recovered will be tallied as will the passage rates of the California High School Exam and HSE. Overall GPA, annual CELDT and STAR testing scores will be reviewed. The number of diplomas earned as well as college entrance information will be recorded. Information gathered from these sources will be used to inform and build the annual LEA Plan and School Plan for Student Achievement.
Because many entering students often function below grade level due to previous poor attendance and/or a lack of acquired skills, the educational program works to address the specific needs of each student so that academic progress can be made during his/her stay in the program. Our curriculum is California State Contents Standards-based, using textbooks adopted by local high school districts. High School Equivalency (HSE) preparation is provided for all eligible students.
Our program is WASC Accredited through June 30, 2028.
Best Practices
The Court Schools Program implements best practices for alternative education environments and provides a positive educational option for students that encourages and supports self-actualization. Our staff prides itself on student engagement. Students and staff thrive when positively engaged in the work they are doing. Our program strength lies in the relationships and rapport that staff builds with the students. We encourage students to be successful, take risks, and build positive relationships with adults and their peers on campus. The Court Schools Program provides students with a culture of caring and respect. Students come to us with a variety of needs, and we design our programming to support these needs. We hold ourselves to the same standards to which we hold students and model for them appropriate, positive behaviors. We work together to support each other through collaboration and sharing of resources, information, curriculum, and best practices. Our administration encourages risk-taking, innovation, and experimentation to discover ways to best support our student population. One of the program's goals is to foster an environment where students find value and invest in their education, not just be consumers of it. We strive to make learning relevant, and we rely on our positive relationships with students to achieve positive changes in their attitudes about education.
Highlights of the educational program include:
- Transcript analysis leading to appropriate course placement for credit toward a high school diploma
- Specialized services for English Learners and students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Credit recovery program
- On-line learning program
- HSE tutoring and testing for students who qualify
- Career Technical Education Business course option
- Workability and Work Experience Education options
- Community College connections
- Partnership with community-based organizations to provide services to support students’ well-being