Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, three-tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. Schools implementing PBIS:
- Use a continuum of evidence-based practices to support student needs
- Engage students, families, and community members to co-create culturally responsive practices
- Regularly check the effectiveness of their practices
- Rely on teams to guide implementation
- Use data to identify strengths, uncover needs, and monitor student progress
- Implement universal screening
- Develop content expertise through coaching and on-going professional development
When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. It also improves teacher health and well-being. It is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable, and safe learning environments where everyone thrives. Learn more from the Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports.
PBIS Training Offered by the County Office of Education
Tier One Training:
School-wide PBIS Site Team Training
The school-wide PBIS site team training will guide school teams through the development and implementation of a school-wide PBIS. The school team must include a site administrator and must include representatives from across the school site, including grade span or department representatives, special education teachers, counselor or social workers, and site-based coaches. High school teams should consider including a student team member. The training sequence includes:
- Roles and responsibilities for effective teaming
- Development of school-wide behavior expectations, lesson plans, and teaching schedule
- Creating school-wide acknowledgment system
- Classroom PBIS
Tier Two Training:
Targeted Interventions and Supports
The Targeted Interventions team training will guide school teams through the development and implementation of Tier Two targeted interventions and Check In Check Out (CICO). The school team must include a site administrator, special education team representative (e.g. psychologist, teacher, etc.), specialty teacher (e.g. TOSA, library teacher, physical education, art, reading intervention), and one additional general education staff member. High school teams should consider including a student team member.
The training sequence includes:
- Development of Check in/Check out “CICO” system and other Tier Two interventions
- Student identification process and participation criteria
- Data-based decision-making and problem-solving
Tier Three Training:
Tertiary Systems and Functional Behavior Support
The tertiary systems and functional behavior support team training will guide district teams through the development and implementation of a function-based approach to addressing behavior. The district team must include a site administrator, MFT, LCSW, or mental health coordinator/point person, and behavior specialist or special education staff member with behavioral expertise. The training sequence includes:
- Data-based decision-making problem solving and progress monitoring
- Re-design and improvement of learning and teaching environments
- Develop and implement a function-based approach to addressing behavior and how behavior supports are used in successful PBIS implementation
- Team functioning
Contact Greg Fry to learn more and participate in Tier Three training.
Additional PBIS Coaching and Training Supports
Coaching and training supports for individual schools and/or districts are also available upon request. Contact Greg Fry to learn more and request individualized coaching and support.