San Mateo County Office of Education School Programs

Community School Program

In partnership with San Mateo County school districts and Effective School Solutions, the San Mateo County Office of Education is proud to offer a new model of education through our WASC-accredited Community School Program serving 7th through 12th grade students in San Mateo County. This new Community School will provide both an academic curriculum and social and emotional learning opportunities for students who need to build resiliency in school. Students may be referred to the Community School program by their resident districts.

Court School Programs

The Court Schools Program operates two WASC-accredited programs in partnership with the San Mateo County Probation Department. Court Schools are mandatory and serve students who have been ordered by the Court to Probation Department programs. Students may be referred to the Court School program by their resident districts, the San Mateo County Probation Department, the Human Services Agency, or the County School Attendance Review Board (SARB).

E-22 Special Education Program

The San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE) Early Childhood Education (ECE) Preschool Program provides preschool special education services to eligible children to meet their educational needs under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B and state regulations. The SMCOE Early Start Program serves infants, toddlers and their families that may exhibit developmental delays or the existence of an established risk factor associated with a potential disability under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C. The San Mateo County Office of Education serves students from Kindergarten to twelfth grade at either special day classes or integrated sites through the K-12 Special Education Services Program. SMCOE also provides related services to students in audiology, adapted physical education, orientation and mobility, and visual impairment, among other areas, and additional support programs to students with special needs.

Sarah Notch

Executive Director, Center for Access & Engagement

Email: snotch[at]

Phone: (650) 802-5629